Pinus gerardiana
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Pinaceae
Group: Gymnosperms
Common name: Chilghoza Pine
Synonymous names: Pinus gerardiana
System of medicine: Ayurveda, Unani
IUCN Red List category: Near Threatened

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Plant - Therapeutic use associations

Indian medicinal plantPlant partTherapeutic useTherapeutic use identifiersReferences
Pinus gerardianaseedAbdominal painMESH:D015746, UMLS:C0000737, SYMP:0000457, ICD-11:MD81.4Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedAnalgesicsMESH:D000700, UMLS:C0002771, ICD-11:XM49F7ISBN:9788172361266, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedAnemiaMESH:D000740, UMLS:C0002871, DOID:2355, ICD-11:3A9ZISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedAntirheumatic agentsMESH:D018501, UMLS:C0003191, ICD-11:XM95N2ISBN:9788190595216, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedAphrodisiacsMESH:D001046, UMLS:C0003567Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedAppetite stimulantsMESH:D019167, UMLS:C0376447Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedArthralgiaMESH:D018771, UMLS:C0003862, ICD-11:ME82The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedArthritisMESH:D001168, UMLS:C0003864, DOID:848, ICD-11:FA2ZISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedAstheniaMESH:D001247, UMLS:C0004093, ICD-11:MG22Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedAsthmaMESH:D001249, UMLS:C0004096, DOID:2841, ICD-11:CA23ISBN:9788190595216, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedBack painMESH:D001416, UMLS:C0004604, ICD-11:ME84.2ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedBronchitisMESH:D001991, UMLS:C0006277, DOID:6132, ICD-11:CA20The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedChest painMESH:D002637, UMLS:C0008031, ICD-11:MD30.ZISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedCoughMESH:D003371, UMLS:C0010200, ICD-11:MD12ISBN:9788190595216, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedDisorder of ejaculationUMLS:C0235969Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedEncephalitisMESH:D004660, UMLS:C0014038, DOID:9588, ICD-11:1D00.ZISBN:9788172361266
Pinus gerardianaseedEpilepsyMESH:D004827, UMLS:C0014544, DOID:1826, ICD-11:8A6ZISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedExpectorantsMESH:D005100, UMLS:C0015314ISBN:9780387706375, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedFacial paralysisMESH:D005158, UMLS:C0015469, DOID:13934, ICD-11:8D88.0ISBN:9788190595216, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedFlatulenceMESH:D005414, UMLS:C0016204, ICD-11:ME08ISBN:9780387706375, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedGoutMESH:D006073, UMLS:C0018099, DOID:13189, ICD-11:FA25ISBN:9788190595216, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedHematologic diseasesMESH:D006402, UMLS:C0018939, DOID:74, ICD-11:3C0ZThe Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedHemiplegiaMESH:D006429, UMLS:C0018991, DOID:10969, ICD-11:MB53.ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedHiccupMESH:D006606, UMLS:C0019521, ICD-11:MD11.6ISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedHypnotics and sedativesMESH:D006993, UMLS:C0020592, ICD-11:XM3GR8Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedJaundiceMESH:D007565, UMLS:C0022346, ICD-11:ME10.1Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedLeukorrheaMESH:D007973, UMLS:C0023533, DOID:3766, ICD-11:MF3AThe Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedLiver diseasesMESH:D008107, UMLS:C0023895, DOID:409, ICD-11:SA0ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV
Pinus gerardianaseedLow back painMESH:D017116, UMLS:C0024031, ICD-11:ME84.2ISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedObesityMESH:D009765, UMLS:C0028754, DOID:9970, ICD-11:5B81The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedParalysisMESH:D010243, UMLS:C0522224ISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedGeneral tonic for rejuvenationMESH:D012060, UMLS:C0035016ISBN:9780387706375, ISBN:9788172361266, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6
Pinus gerardianaseedTuberculosisMESH:D014376, UMLS:C0041296, DOID:399, ICD-11:1B1ZISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedUlcerMESH:D014456, UMLS:C0041582ISBN:9780387706375, ISBN:9788172361266
Pinus gerardianaseedWounds and injuriesMESH:D014947, UMLS:C0043251ISBN:9788190595216
Pinus gerardianaseedSexual debilityMESH:D012735, UMLS:C0549622, DOID:1876Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - IV, The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1 Volume-6